On the way back to the Tau he’s attacked by a Heldrake and is nearly killed, only to be saved by the Imperials fleeing their doomed enlcaves as they blow it up in a way that doesn’t destroy the suit it’s ripping apart. T’au Empire Sept Choice: Farsight Enclaves Put Puretide on somebody with a Fusion blaster to make use of that free reroll on a hard hitting.Ĭhaos40kWe aren’t really sure what this is. as to how to make a somewhat fluffy Farsight Enclaves list work in a Maybe that would free up enough points to run another coldstar, I’m. Callum said: Between this and Iyanden there’s a distinct trend showing up in these books: They’r. Farsight Enclaves – A Codex has 8 ratings and 2 reviews.